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Natures clues when it comes to fishing

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 4:39 pm
by milt
Down south come September / October when the winds changed from west to east we knew the red tide of snapper was on its way. And around April the sardine run began with salmon hammering the humble sardine with the schools of trevally it is wake eating the scraps. Or quite often kingfish would also be in the picture lining up the salmon from beneath. There a massive warm water current called a bommie which also hovers along the west cost attracting krill then squid, then the BIG Bluefin tuna and mako sharks come alive and Gorge and go nuts!!!

I'm interested to know what happens up here marking the various seasons for various fish and at what point of the tide does the sea mayhen begin? So in a few paragraphs or more describe the fishing the season over the course of a year, Over to the experts :captain:
