Ever caught a fish with a lost hook in its mouth?

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Ever caught a fish with a lost hook in its mouth?

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Re: Ever caught a fish with a lost hook in its mouth?

Post by joesgotone »

Caught a long tail live baiting in QLD, that had something hanging out its butt. Found a bright red hook in its mouth with line attached. Didn't affect the Sushi at all.
Lost 2 fish in a small fresh water area and then after upgrading my outfit I landed a Jack with two spare hooks in its mouth.

how many is enough lures, rods and reels. Is there a magic number, considering you usually only catch 1 fish on a single lure on the one rod and reel your casting with.
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Re: Ever caught a fish with a lost hook in its mouth?

Post by NT Wombat »

Caught a small barra at shady camp with a 45mm drop bear squidgy lodged inside its mouth, didn't look like it had been there long.
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Re: Ever caught a fish with a lost hook in its mouth?

Post by Kadango »

Nope, but hooked 2 lures in the one drain session - went to chase some flicking opportunities in the wet a couple of years ago for not much luck until I put a treble through the eye ring of a lure! Score.

Few flicks later, felt some resistance - and pulled in another one, this time fouled in some old line that had broken off with the lure

That day, no fish, but finally got some tackle back!
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Re: Ever caught a fish with a lost hook in its mouth?

Post by Edo »

I caught a power tail out at cahills one arvo which had a plastic hanging out its head, grabbed the plastic, through the fish back and tied it on and got a 76cm Barra that night with it hahaha 8) :cheers:
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Re: Ever caught a fish with a lost hook in its mouth?

Post by Matt Flynn »

There would have to be a few stuck in the big groper that live around the popular fishing wrecks.
No but I caught a dog shark once that some psycho had put a hair elastic around its head
Crook thing to do.

I pulled a string in once that had a rat tied on one end and a weight tied on the other end.

Can't imagine how you would tie a live wild rat but someone managed it - was at Outer Harbour wharf back in the day and there were many rats around the wharf and plenty living on the rock wall too, they would get into the tackle bags when I dozed off in the sleeping bag.
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Re: Ever caught a fish with a lost hook in its mouth?

Post by blowski »

mrs dropped a 80cm barra beside the boat, later that way i was throwing the thrownet for jelly prawns further up the river, net went nuts and a 80cm barra come over the side and it was the same one from earlier with her rig in it. safe to say that barra was having a real bad day
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Re: Ever caught a fish with a lost hook in its mouth?

Post by Sullo »

Caught a goldspot cod with a timber Koolabung in its mouth, rear hooks were in its gills and the bib half outside the mouth,it was chewed down to the through wire, looked like a jointed lure.

Caught a powertail with a length of copper wire in one side and out the other, could tell it had been twitched into a crab pot then released again, it had been in there for a long time, had weed growing on the wire
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Re: Ever caught a fish with a lost hook in its mouth?

Post by nomad »

Yes. Ive caught a few with hooks still in them. a couple even had marine growth on them
which tells me that what the tv shows say about them rusting away in a few weeks is bullshit
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Re: Ever caught a fish with a lost hook in its mouth?

Post by Matt Flynn »

rusting away in a few weeks is bullshit
Good case for using hooks that corrode easily.
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