Top End water bores may run dry

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Jedi Seadog
Jedi Seadog
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Re: Top End water bores may run dry

Post by grumpy »

That's right but the Government will keep pumping the out the monster rural bores they have so that can they feed it into the Darwin Town water supply even though the Darwin River Dam is still at 80 to 90% full.

Leave our rural aquifers alone when there is a bad wet I say. We still have to live but the Government will never do that because you know why???? it's because they sell it back to the town folk and make millions of $$$$ out of it.

Has anyone thought of what the rural folk are supposed to do when the Power and Water corporation have sold all our underground water first when the dam still has plenty???

It's about $$$$ yet again.
A mans boat is a sign of his strengths and weaknesses???? (and wealth)
Jedi Seadog
Jedi Seadog
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Re: Top End water bores may run dry

Post by ronje »

Wash your mouth out with soap Grumpy.

It's never about the money or the opportunity for the Govt to make some.

Tim Flannery is your man.

"You'll never see Warragamba Dam full again" was one of his predictions. I think its spilled 3 times since then.

You've got an election coming up soon I think.

There's yr chance.
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